Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Allowing Christ to Heal

I am so excited for this blog! How wonderful to have a safe place for LDS women to share and write about their experiences with Christ's healing power through energy work. A place where we can learn from one another, lift each other, and find inspiration. Today as I pondered what I wanted to write for my first post, I felt prompted to share a small part of what I have written for our book that will be released in the next few months. This is a very small portion of what is included but it tells what energy work has done for me in my life. Thanks for letting me share! :-)

I have learned about the Atonement my whole life. I had been taught to turn my burdens over to the Lord. I had read over a dozen talks by apostles and several wonderful books on the Atonement. I had a great respect and love for Christ's atoning sacrifice. However, it wasn't until energy work that I began to understand the smallest glimpse of what the Atonement really is and how I am meant to use it. I never understood the important role it played in every moment of my life. I knew the Atonement would cleanse me from my daily sins, which I knew I desperately need. I also knew it would give me strength that I did not have. I had felt, and experienced first hand, the enabling power of the Atonement. While I thought I understood the Atonement, the truth was I didn't understand it in the least bit. The more I learn the more I realize the depth and power of the Atonement and how much I have yet to learn. As I started doing energy sessions on people, as well as having them done on myself, I realized many of us think we are turning our burdens over to the Lord and the truth is we aren't. We aren't giving the Lord our burdens at all. The truth is, most of the time, we are burying them deep inside as if they never happened.

Elder Patrick Kearon of the Seventy has said, “Complete healing and peace can be found at the feet of the Savior.” Christ has taught us to come unto me with full purpose of heart. Elder Kearon said “Contrast this miraculous healing with what happens “when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride [or] our vain ambition. … The heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved;” and we are left alone “to kick against the pricks … and to fight against God.”

Have many of us LDS members feel as if we are “kicking against the pricks” on a daily basis? So few of us have continual peace and love in our hearts. I have found I wasn't the only one hiding my burdens from the Lord. As I started to work on other people I found this is what most of us do. Many of us have beliefs that we need to be strong, not show emotion, to get over it or need to be in control. The lies of darkness that we believe are sad and only hurt us. If we simply did as our Savior asked and turned to Him we would realize we don't have to bury our pains, sorrows or flaws. Instead we can follow His counsel and allow Him to heal us.

One scripture that I love is Mosiah 24:14, “And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs” The Lord is promising us that He will ease our burdens so much that we will not feel them upon our backs. That does not mean the burden is taken away, it just means He helps us let go of the pain and dark emotions that are there and replaces it with peace, love and trust. What a beautiful promise and blessing from the Lord! With a promise such as that the past should not be holding us back or crippling our future. Christ has promised we will not feel them. We can truly be free from all of our past pains and struggles if we turn to Him.

As I pondered and studied Christ's Healing power, I found this quote by Elder Bednar from April 2014 conference. He said,  “I wonder if we fail to fully acknowledge this strengthening aspect of the Atonement in our lives and mistakenly believe we must carry our load all alone—through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline and with our obviously limited capacities.” He then continues, “It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to the earth to die for us. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to enliven us—not only to guide but also to strengthen and HEAL us.” What powerful and true counsel from the apostle of the Lord. He later continued, “Thus, the Savior has suffered not just for our sins and iniquities—but also for our physical pains and anguish, our weaknesses and shortcomings, our fears and frustrations, our disappointments and discouragement, our regrets and remorse, our despair and desperation, the injustices and inequities we experience, and the emotional distresses that beset us.”

Wow. Talk about an all encompassing and amazing gift. If it is that simple then why don't we do it? Because most us don't know how. So instead of giving it to Christ, we bury it deep inside and try to overcome it on our own with sheer will power as Elder Bednar said. But we can't. We need Christ. Many times I have talked to members who are doing all they can to not turn out like their parents. Yet, they can't do it. They find themselves in the same traps their parents did. This does not have to be the case.

The more I pondered this the more the Spirit testified to me it was because we, myself included, are not using the power of the Atonement in all areas of our lives and at all times. Christ has given us the amazing gift of His atoning sacrifice and were aren't using it as He intended it. The Lord has shown me we can, and should, let go of past pains and sorrows. The Atonement is the way to do this. Christ has already done the work. All that is needed now is for us to be willing to turn it over to Him.

Christ tells us when we bring our burdens to Him we will “find rest unto your souls”. Yet so few of us have that rest. Too few of us have peace in our lives that the Lord wants us to have. How often I work with someone and the pains, sorrows and emotions from their past is still having a negative impact on their lives. This is sad! The more I saw that the more the Spirit witnessed to me that it didn't have to be this way. As Isaiah stated concerning the Savior, “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: … And with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4–5). The Savior has already suffered for everything why do we let that suffering go in vain?

If we want to experience true relief and healing in our lives we must follow Elder Kearon's, and many other apostles', counsel to bring ourselves to the feet of the Great Physician, our Savior, Jesus Christ.” He said “We must lay down our sin, vanity, and pride.... We must cease fighting against God and instead give our whole hearts to Him, holding nothing back. Then He can heal us. Then He can cleanse us from the venomous sting of sin.... Our Savior is the Prince of Peace, the Great Healer, the only One who can truly cleanse us from the sting of sin and the poison of pride and change our rebellious hearts into converted, covenant hearts.”

Energy work has given me steps, tools and methods to apply the Atonement in my life. It has brought me closer to my Redeemer. I do not believe you need energy work to use the Atonement but I do believe God has given it as a method to help those who need assistance. These are simply steps to access the Atonement in our life. He could do it without but often we do not let Him.  I have seen the fruits of righteous energy work and I testify that its “fruits are good”. When done righteously, it is of the Lord. A loving Heavenly Father who knew I needed more help and assistance in using the Atonement lead me to energy work and it has changed me for the better. I am still far from perfect but I can't imagine my life without these tools. Had God not lead me to energy work I would still be full of anger, pain, resentment, hurt and lack of faith in God. I am so grateful that I followed the spirit of the Lord and allowed Him to show we how to use the Atonement in my life. How to allow him to Heal and change me. I pray that if you are seeking relief, freedom, hope, support or need the Lord's help that you will follow the Spirit of the Lord. He will heal you. He will comfort you. He will ease your burdens. If you feel guided to energy work I pray this book may open your heart and mind to the power of His healing power. That you may feel the spirit as you read these words from the other wonderful sisters in this book.

Christ's invitation to the Nephites “Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them.” (3 Nephi 17: 7) That stands equally as true for us as it did for the Nephites. The Lord is waiting for us to come to Him to be healed. To open up our hearts. Take down our walls and trust Him. To turn our hearts and souls to Him completely. When we do this we allow Him to heal us. Christ beckons us to come to Him.

If you are feeling drawn to energy work, listen to what the Lord is telling you. Allow Him to lead you on a path that will allow Him to heal you. A righteous path. A path that gives all glory and honor to Him. "He is the light, the life and the hope of the world." Open your heart and mind to the possibility of being healed. As you humbly continue on your path back to Him, He will lead you to your own personal path and journey back to Him. No path is alike. We are all different. We all need healing in our own way. Allow the Lord to be your shepherd and lead you down your path back to Him. 

I pray this book may assist you on your quest to come to Christ and be perfected in Him. The Lord can and will heal you. “Men are that they might have joy.” May the Lord heal you and fill you with peace and joy on your journey back to His presence.

Love your friend,


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